Penn Valley Farmers Market will meet from May to the end of October 2025.
Penn Valley Farmers Market @ Western Gateway Park in Penn Valley, California, with the market day on SUNDAY MORNINGS and now meeting in the shade under the Solar Array at the main parking lot.
Market hours are 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. As with past Markets, we have a variety of vendors with an assortment of produce, edibles and products.
The Penn Valley Farmers Market is continuing to seek additional vendors for the 2025 season market! If you’re a certified grower with plants, garden starts, or seeds; artisan with fine art or crafts; certified cottage kitchen, or a non-profit community group, Penn Valley Farmers Market is interested in you!
Links to obtain our Policy Guidelines, Application Form, Fees Schedule:
Vendor Fees and Deposit Schedule
Please download and read all three documents.
Contact the office @ 530 432.1990 or should you need more information.