Western Gateway Recreation & Park District elects five members to the Board of Directors for a four year term. Directors must live within the district’s boundary (see map below). Current board members are: Chairman Brandon Lindsen (2020-2026), Vice Chairman Sharon Lewis (2022-2026), Director Paul Towne (2024-2028), and Director Christopher Potter (2024-2028). Currently, the board has one vacancy (expires 2026)
The District also has three part-time paid employee positions; two maintenance, and one office. These eight positions along with a host of volunteers are the team that operates and maintains Western Gateway Park for district residents, and those people outside the district, to use and enjoy. Maintenance personnel are Marty Martinson and Tyler Gummow; and District Secretary, Carol Fulkerson.
The budget for WGR&PD averages about $160,000 per year. Approximately $54,000 of that is raised through rental of the picnic areas and other park venues, but mostly through the rental use of the Buttermaker’s Cottage, Stage Pavilion, and baseball fields. Another $106,000 is paid by district residents in the form of a $12.94 per parcel fee. This fee was voted in by district residents in 1998. In today’s dollars, due to inflation, it has the purchasing power of about $6.74, a loss almost 1/2 since it was implemented. Conversely, if the parcel fee was adjusted for inflation it would now be $31.72 per parcel giving the District an additional $100,000.00 per year of much needed revenue to operate and update the park’s aging infrastructure.
The Board of Directors, under Brown Act regulations, meets monthly the third Wednesday at 6:30 pm at the Buttermaker’s Cottage. The public is encouraged to attend. Agendas are posted a minimum of 72 hours prior to a regular meeting. The Board welcomes your input and presence at board meetings! Should you want an item addressed at a meeting, we provide for an open comment period, or call the office to have it placed on the agenda at least 7 days before the upcoming meeting.